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Volunteer at the Shelter

The Shelter mission is to rehabilitate and return to the environment 70% of the animal rescued received

But there are always cases that cannot return to the environment, and these are the ones that you will be able to meet and learn about them on our Guided Tour through the shelter's trails

Meet more than 75 species of Costa Rican animals, each one with their stories and reasons why they cannot return to live in the wild. ​


Come and learn their stories, and with your visit, funds will be used to save and return to the wild lots of other animals. 


This is the reason why most of them, are very used to being close to humans... 


On our Guided tour, you will be able to observe up close and in full color all this amazing animals.

We try that all the animals in the Shelter receive quality of life, through an excellent diet, adequate spaces and constant entertainment through the environmental enrichment of the enclosures.

Many of this animals were kept as illegal pets 

© Refugio Animal de Costa Rica  Rescue and rehabilitation mission since 2010

ASREINVIS Asociación para el Rescate  e Investigación de Vida Silvestre

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